Cancellation Policy

We have updated our cancellation policy. We try our best to communicate and reschedule with our clients, but we can only take a limited number of appointments each day.

A missed appointment is a loss of income to our GROOMERS and our small business.

NEW CANCELLATION / NO SHOW POLICY: All cancellations MUST be made at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. We will contact you by text and email 3 days before to remind you of your appointment. Failure to call 48 hours in advance may result in a charge of $25.00 that must be paid prior to your next grooming appointment. Giving advance notice gives us the opportunity to fill your grooming appointment and enables us to rearrange our schedule. If we show up for an appointment and there is no one home to release the pet, a $50.00 cancellation fee will apply. Customers who consistently cancel or reschedule less than 48 hours in advance may be required to prepay for their appointment at the time of booking.

We understand that emergencies can happen, and we will take those into account.